Dear Runner Bod,

Dear Runner Bod is a podcast hosted by anti-diet running dietitian & body image coach, Serena Marie RD. Dear Runner Bod’s mission is to empower females to embrace their body as a runner’s body no matter their level of fitness, shape or size. Stick around for solo episodes and interviews of experts in the running community who provide advice on how to cultivate health, fitness, resiliency and self-compassion as a female runner.

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3 days ago

I am talking about early weeks postpartum and postpartum nutrition. I share my experience and what my calorie needs were during that time. I give you my favorite snacks and quick easy dinners to help set up postpartum nutrition. I share tips on what helped me through these first 8 weeks postpartum and common postpartum nutrient deficiencies and how to supplement them.
Running doesn’t ruin metabolism… but under-eating does!! Check out this free masterclass for a proven 3-step method to support healthy metabolism so you can find your healthiest weight as a female runner!
If you have questions about this episode, DM on Instagram @runnergirldietitian

Monday Mar 17, 2025

We are going to talk about shame today. Sometimes you might not even know you are doing it, but there is a lot of shaming in the running community. I am going to talk about how to release the shame, get away from the comparison trap and how to be aware of things we tend to shame ourselves for as runners and how it is not serving us.
Running doesn’t ruin metabolism… but under-eating does!! Check out this free masterclass for a proven 3-step method to support healthy metabolism so you can find your healthiest weight as a female runner!
If you have questions about this episode, DM on Instagram @runnergirldietitian

Monday Mar 10, 2025

Have you ever thought, "If I delete my tracking app or stop counting my macros, I will overeat!" This is what we are talking about today on the pod. I share some of my experience from when I was dieting and when I stopped dieting and stopped restricting, I actually stopped overeating. I also go in depth on set point weight, your primitive brain and scarcity and how each relate to dieting and overeating.
I was honored to be included in the 20 Best Women's Running Podcasts check out the article here!
Interested in trying Eat like an Athlete Bookcamp? Click here!
Learn how to stay fuller longer 🙃, improve energy ⚡️, & experience fewer sugar cravings ✌🏼 while supporting healthier hormones all in this FREE 55 minute training designed specifically for female endurance runners!
Ready for some new socks? Check out Sock Guy and use my code serena20 for 20% off your order!
Don't forget to follow me on Instagram @runnergirldietitian

Gels vs the candy aisle!!

Monday Mar 03, 2025

Monday Mar 03, 2025

I am talking about intra run fueling, I have started doing my long runs again and I am very excited to start intra run fueling again. I give you the science behind using manufactured gels vs food you can buy in the candy aisle and help empower you to choose which one is right for you. I share how often you should fuel and how many grams of carbohydrate per hour you need to fuel your body for your run. 
Here is the link to the article I talk about in this episode.
Running doesn’t ruin metabolism… but under-eating does!! Check out this free masterclass for a proven 3-step method to support healthy metabolism so you can find your healthiest weight as a female runner!
If you have questions about this episode, DM on Instagram @runnergirldietitian

Monday Feb 24, 2025

I am answering the question, "How do you know when you can trust your body when it is asking for rest?" This was asked from a member in Eat Like An Athlete Community on our monthly team call. I share how I have been working through this as well since having my baby. I give you questions to ask yourself to test this question and figure out if you are really needing a rest day. I also give you tips on how to change up your workout when you are struggling with this question.
I talk about Maaree sports bras. Here is the link! If you use code SBMFFTQMZW8 you will get 15% off!
Save 15% off your MidDay Squares order with this link!
If you have questions about this episode DM on Instagram @runnergirldietitian.

Monday Feb 17, 2025

I am talking this week about how you need to stop running (or having a hard workout) on an empty belly. I debunk the most common questions on why people decide to do fat adapted workouts/runs. I also talk about why people don't eat before workouts/runs because of GI issues. I have done both of these and I give you a lot ideas on what to do instead of these fat adapted workouts/runs. 
This episode originally aired July 17, 2023.
If you have questions about this episode, DM on Instagram @runnergirldietitian

Monday Feb 10, 2025

I am talking with Sam Christy, she is a registered dietitian, body-neutral personal trainer, and founder of Triple A Wellness in Cleveland, Ohio whose mission is to empower people to live their best lives through movement and balanced nutritional practices.
We are talking about training during pregnancy. She shares where she was at with fitness and body image before pregnancy, during first, second and third trimester. Sam talks about how she has modified her workouts as she has gone through pregnancy. She gives tips on what you can do if you are pregnant and wanting to continue working out. We discuss common fears when it comes to exercise while pregnant.
You can follow Sam on Instagram @tripleawellnessbysam or on TikTok. You can check out her website 
Running doesn’t ruin metabolism… but under-eating does!! Check out this free masterclass for a proven 3-step method to support healthy metabolism so you can find your healthiest weight as a female runner!
If you have questions about this episode, DM on Instagram @runnergirldietitian

Is bread 3x a day okay?

Monday Feb 03, 2025

Monday Feb 03, 2025

I am answering the question, "Is it okay to eat bread 3 times a day?" I posted something recently and someone made a comment on how eating this certain way could be harming your metabolism and that eating bread 3 times a day is not healthy. I go over the science as to why we need to eat more food as female athletes and what I was trying to explain in my social media post.
Save 15% off your MidDay Squares order with this link!
If you have questions about this episode DM on Instagram @runnergirldietitian.

Monday Jan 27, 2025

I am talking about fueling during long runs. I share how I am working on my comeback season to get ready for a half marathon after pregnancy. I share when I normally recommend taking intra-run fuel during your run and why sometimes you just need to take it to help you prepare for your race.
Running doesn’t ruin metabolism… but under-eating does!! Check out this free masterclass for a proven 3-step method to support healthy metabolism so you can find your healthiest weight as a female runner!
If you have questions about this episode, DM on Instagram @runnergirldietitian

Monday Jan 20, 2025

We are diving into body image and how to be kind to your body. I share my experience with body image and how I have had to work through it again after pregnancy. I want to help you go from a place of hating/repulsed/depressed about your body to a place of accepting and neutrality. I give my top tips on how to move to accepting your body.
Save 15% off your MidDay Squares order with this link!
If you have questions about this episode DM on Instagram @runnergirldietitian.

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